Monday, January 9, 2023

Prayer & Fasting - Week 1

Week 1

"Prayer Method"

Lectio Divina. This is an ancient practice of reading a short amount of scripture and then meditating on it. 'Lectio Divina' is Latin for 'Divine Reading." If you're new to Lectio Divina, I recommend beginning by spending 2-minutes on each step (5-minutes is the goal). It's always better to start small and desire more than to start too large and get bored. This is a prayer practice which will take time to learn.

Lectio Divina is a template to help you connect with God. You are welcome to adjust the structure. One of the goals of Lectio Divina is to guide us in listening to the Spirit and set us up for spiritual transformation. 

For many of us raised on transactional prayer practices where we feel the need to barter with God or convince God into action, this practice will feel like you're wasting your time. Deep soul work takes time and begins from the inside-out. In allowing the Spirit to transform us, our prayers, then become more aligned with God's heart so we can partner with God as whole and healed people for the sake of our world.

1. READ 

Read the Colossians scripture slowly 3x.


Ask the Spirit of God to reveal a word or phrase that stands out to you from the text. Reflect on that word/phrase. Consider it's meaning, history, your experience with that word/phrase. Listen to the Spirit bringing to your mind related thoughts and/or experiences. 


Spend time writing about your reflections. Why did you choose that word/phrase? Why was it highlighted by the Spirit for you? What emotions does this word/phrase bring up for you? What is happening in your life that this word/phrase may be speaking into? Turn your reflections into a prayer. 


Suspend all thought and sit quietly with God. If your thoughts begin to wander, recite your word/phrase from above to bring you back to your focus. Trust that God heard your worry, anxiety and/or longing, and is acting on your behalf. 

Monday, January 9th

Colossians 1:1-2

Tuesday, January 10th

Colossians 1:3-8

Wednesday, January 11th

Colossians 1:9-12

Thursday, January 12th

Colossians 1:13-16

Friday, January 13th

Colossians 1:17-20

Saturday, January 14th

Colossians 1:21-23

Sunday, January 15th

Colossians 1:24-29


Prayer & Fasting

Today begins 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. 

Learning to pray is a life-long journey of communicating and being transformed by our Loving God while we witness God's interaction in our lives. Though I have been praying since I was a child, I recognize I still have so much more to learn and experience in prayer while also being grateful for the depths of God I have come to know through prayer.

Why Fast and Pray?

I bring these two practices together as a way of centering my heart, mind, and spirit on God while holding something else close (a situation, a person, a need, etc...). 

Fasting helps me quiet my bodily desires and abilities. This causes me a greater experience of silence. Fasting can be done in numerous ways. For a quick summary on fasting logistics, history and encouragement, click on the fasting brochure link below. If time allows, I may write about my personal experience of fasting in a later blog. My perspectives and approach have changed and continue to change. 

In seasons of fasting, we find we also have more time to spend in prayer. (NOTE: Unless you're in the stage of life where you have children at home in which case, fasting doesn't automatically give you "extra time." A key to experiencing a life-giving time of prayer begins with acknowledging the season you're in and giving yourself grace to participate in Prayer & Fasting in a manner that works best for you. We can't chart where we want to go without knowing first where we are.) I have learned I am more transformed in the silent embrace of God's presence than I am in rigorous study. With that said, however, I also believe we need to read scripture and listen closely for God's Spirit speaking to us in the text. "Praying" over the next 21 Days will be a time in which we weave together scriptures, prayers, and silence, allowing the Spirit of God to hover over our scriptures and speak to our hearts.

What can I Expect in Reading this Prayer Blog about Prayer?

We'll be reading through the book of Colossians over the next three weeks. I've mapped out Colossians so as to provide a short scripture to read each day. I chose Colossians because it is a book that speaks about prayer as well as the spiritual powers and dominions at work in our world. My focus through Colossians will be to equip us with scripture as we step into contemplative prayer, transformational prayer, and join with God in praying for God's Kingdom to Come into our cities, workplaces, families, churches, schools, and communities. I'm not going to write reflections with each scripture this year. I am confident if you use the text from Colossians and follow the prayer guide you will learn, hear and be transformed. 

I'll start off each week with a "Prayer Practice" to try for that week. The prayer practice will be a guide to structure your time and will involve a text from Colossians, reflection and silence (and yes, those are different). If you're someone who journals, this is a good season to write what you're hearing the Spirit speak (no matter how unusual). I like to track what I'm hearing, experiencing, sensing, and ways I'm seeing God interact with me. Maybe even jot down your focus word or phrase that you meditate on each day. 

I'll post every Monday morning (Sunday night if I'm on it) each week with the Prayer & Fasting graphic so it's easy to spot. I may post other reflections on the reading from Colossians or my experience in prayer and fasting, but those will not have the logo. 

My hope is that at the end of the 21 days, you'll have three new ways to pray and also a better understanding of praying through scripture.

My prayer is that those things that have been tearing at your heart, or weighing down your spirit would experience God's presence, be surrounded by God's healing and that you would experience freedom and answers from God. 

I believe wholeheartedly that God does hear our prayers and our cries for help. God desires to be our partner in life - the good and the bad. Let's set out on this journey over the next 21 days to experience the power and the presence of God. 

City-Wide Prayer Nights

If you live in the Fresno/Clovis Area, another component of this 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting focus is a chance to pray with others each night. Below is a link to our 2023 City Prayer Nights. Spending time in silent prayer is life-giving for our souls. But in corporate prayer, God really gets to shine! Our faith was meant to be lived and expressed within community. The book of Colossians itself was written by Paul to a community of believers in Colossae. It was a book to be read in the presence of others - prayed together with others. I encourage you to look over the list of churches and choose at least one church to attend. Go with the decision to engage in prayer with the people there. Even better, look for a church that is different than the church you attend. God speaks in a variety of ways and is alive and well in churches across our cities, speaking in numerous languages and cultures. Embrace the beauty of diversity this season as we get to step into the churches of our sisters and brothers and pray together. 

Blessings to you on your journey! May God be near.

Pastor Connie 

2023 City Prayer Nights

2023 Prayer Brochure