When I first began hearing about the atrocities of the ISIS, I admit that my initial reaction was, "Can that really be happening?"
I don't consider myself a history buff, but I do know that phrase, "Can that really be happening?" is not new to our history. That very phrase was uttered by thousands in the early 1930's as reports seeped in about the Nazi concentration camps. Living in the San Joaquin I am keenly aware of the Armenian Genocide that also coined phrases like, "Did that really happen?"
"All it takes for evil to succeed is for a good man to do nothing." ~ Edmund Burke
That's just the problem, even if it is not directly affecting us- it could be us any day. As a fellow human-being, it should deeply bother us to see reports coming out of Iraq! Regardless if the refugees are Christian or Muslim, Jewish or Buddhist, these are souls who are being knocked-off and disregarded. If you, as a Christian, believe that classic, "Jesus Love the Little Children" song, then we should be responding to the cry of tens of thousands of people being driven from their homes to die of dehydration!
The most recent report I heard said that the Yazidis refugees have two days before they will all be dead. Two days! My "donation check" will not even clear in two days!
I haven't even mentioned the over 100,000 Christians who have fled from their homes in fear of the ISIS.
This is real.
Two weeks ago for Dietrich Bonhoeffer's birthday I read this quote:
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to act. Not to act is to act.” ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer
One of the many lessons Bonhoeffer taught me as I read through his biography is that people matter. Part of my role as a Christian is to stand up for people, especially those without a voice. We have the privilege and responsibility to engage in the public square. I sat and debated with myself for two days as if I should post or respond to the happenings in Iraq or just keep to myself. After all, it is not okay to mix Politics and Religion! But then again...
"Nothing is so fatal to religion as indifference." ~ Edmund Burke
As I scored through numerous agencies, I have narrowed down my search to the following three. These Christian-based relief organizations are in Syria (35 miles from where the Yazidis refugees are dying) or other nearby countries offering aid and dropping relief to the thousands of people dying of dehydration. Some are on the front-lines flying in helicopters filled with food and water into ISIS fire. Others have set up refugee camps welcoming the weary. These three organizations also offer prayer and the compassion of a loving God.
I encourage you to follow one of the links below, see what the organization is doing and send a monetary donation to aid the thousands of people being affected.
Once you make a donation, follow the link below to see other ways you can be a voice and make a stand against human suffering.
This is not political. This is what Christ Jesus would do.
"When we stand for social justice, we testify to the presence of the Kingdom." ~ John Wimber
Let's bring about the Kingdom of God and represent Christ in the middle of hell on earth.