Two weeks ago I attended, "The Global Leadership Summit." I heard a handful of amazing leaders, speakers, authors and artists. Here's a few of my favorite quotes!
* Bill Hybles
Every significant
burden God puts on you will put you to the test. You’ll need courage. It’s hard to move people! Vision tests the
medals of every leader. When many leaders
get a vision, they abort the mission secretly.
Too scared, afraid of failure and costs ahead. “No thanks, God.”
We cannot blame God
for the status of our culture. God has
been giving life-changing visions to solve the world’s problems to leaders all
across the world. We can blame gutless
leaders! Visions
are holy commodities! Don’t
just kill it! Instead, get on your knees
and say the Joshua prayer, "be strong and courageous!"
If all your staff is
rowing together, you’ll get your boat to the other side! You’ll get lots accomplished! Plus, you’ll have so much more fun!
The more we use
social media, the more we are killing true community.
Social media shows
the illusion of community.
There comes a time
when a leader can’t wait any longer for everyone to “get it,” but instead throw
down the gauntlet and make it a value!
People come to your
church every Sunday and hope against hope that someone would touch them and ask
about life, pray with them, speak to them.
* Liz Wiseman
Are you a diminisher or a multiplier?
Are you leading as the genius? Or are you leading as the genius-maker?
* Mark Burnett
Choose your companions
before you choose your road.
Don’t keep around
people who are energy suckers.
Hire great people,
then let them do their jobs.
* Joseph Grenny
Leadership is intentional influence.
Six Sources of
- Personal Motivation
- Personal Ability – Skills are a substantial part of influence
- Social Motivation
- Social Ability
- Structural Motivation
- Structural Ability
* Vijay Govindarajan
Ongoing operation
are at odds with innovation.
Innovation is
commercializing creativity.
* Dr. Brene Brown
In the absence of love and belonging is always suffering.
Connection gives
purpose and meaning to our lives.
can’t negotiate the gap between professing and practicing.
We all need to be BRAVE – we were born to be brave.
You can choose
courage or you can choose comfort, but you can’t choose both.
“If you’re not in
the arena or getting your butt kicked, I’m not open to your feedback.”
* Oscar Murice
The size of your
harvest depends on how many leaders you have.
live for your own generation.
When you live for
your own generation, you die with your own generation and your vision will die
with you.
The only way your
vision will survive you is to invest in the next generation!
Instill the 5 Loves
into your budding leaders.
- All heart – matters of character
- All soul – matter of conviction (things you firmly believe in,
- All mind – matter of comprehension
(understand God’s heart)
- All strength – matter of competence
(using your hands for God) “be excellent in what you do”
- Love your neighbor – matter of compassion
do ministry alone. To be alone is to
waist an opportunity to train a leader.
* Henry Cloud
The opposite of bad
is love.
When a Leader is in a downward spiral, they exhibit the "Three P’s"
Personal – you begin to take everything personally
Pervasive – it’s not just that one person who thinks
that, it’s everyone. Not just an elder –
all the elders. Everything goes bad.
Permanent – it will always be like this
There’s a way
out! This happens to the best leaders!
Trick is to reverse
the Three P’s.
- Log
– Dispute
Log the negative
stuff and then dispute them on paper.
99% of what was in
her/her head is false.
Dispute it with
God’s Word, “I am God’s workmanship.”
Dispute negative
Look at the whole
picture. Life is a movie, not a
scene. There’s always good. It’s not all bad! Look for the good stuff.
- Do
something to get back into control.
Make two columns,
what you can and can’t control.
Make a list of
things you could do and do it! Be specific.
- Brain
runs on fuel. (oxygen, glucose
& relationships)
You MUST connect
Connect with what
was happening, how you are struggling, what is helping, etc…
Connecting with someone drops your
stress 50%!
* Andy Stanley
Central message in
Acts, “God did something and we saw it.”
You killed Him. God brought Him back. Say you’re sorry.
Central teaching of
church was that something HAPPENED!!
Gospel message is not based on that we
believe something is true.
message is that something happened! God
raised a man from the dead!
God is willing to interrupt anything to build
His Church.
He may interrupt a career. We may stop one thing and start another.
1 Corinthians 15:58